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On the first anniversary of the 911 incident, Dr.Lai Kui-Fang, the first artist in the world to
present this oil masterpiece to commemorate this first earth shaking event of the 21st century

Oil 200cm X 400cm by Dr. Lai Kui-Fang

Report from: Lianhe Zhaobao August 28,2002, Today August 27, 2002,The new paper August 30,2002
For more details, refer to
[About Artist Dr.Lai]

Briefing at Fort Canning Command Post during 1942 Oils 183 cm x 122 cm

The Japanese Surrender of Singapore to the British OILS 122 x 214 cm
at the Municipal Building on Sep 12, 1945

At the Negotiating Table (Ford) OILS 122 x 214 cm
The British Surrender on Feb 15, 1942

Swearing-In of Mr. Lee Kwan Yew OILS 175 x 268 cm
as Prime Minister of Singapore on 5 June 1959


Swearing-In of Mr. Lee Kwan Yew OILS 216 x 306 cm
as Prime Minister of Singapore on 5 June 1959
collection of Singapore History Museum

二战日本帝国主义发动太平洋战争前夕以先发制人"偷袭珍珠港" Oils 400 cm x 220 cm

国殇512-汶川 大地震(细部)温家宝主动赴灾区指挥救援(细部)

国殇512- 重兵汶川世纪大地震 Oils 450 cm x 220 cm


海殇-南亚印度洋世纪大海啸-海底爆发9-2极大地震 Oils 400 x 200cm

五十年代勿洛水灾-村民开沟自救 Oils 183 x 146 cm

滨海城南填土工程后进行发展工程图景 (总统府购藏))